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Director of Accessibility Services
Labry Hall 226
B.S., The University of Tennessee at Martin
M.B.A.,The University of Tennessee at Martin

Mikaela Curtis is currently serving as the Director of Accessibility Services. She started this position in May 2024. Prior to coming to Cumberland University, she previously attended The University of Tennessee at Martin. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Fall of 2022 and Master of Business Administration in Spring of 2024.  While obtaining her undergraduate degree, she served as a student worker for the UTM
Accessibility Resource Center. While obtaining her graduate degree, she served as a graduate assistant for the UTM Testing Center. Her undergraduate major was Marketing, which led her to briefly serving as a Marketing Manager for a small business in Martin, TN.  She currently resides east of Brentwood, TN. Some activities she enjoys doing for fun include going to concerts, reading, and watching movies with friends.