Angel Tree & Toy Drive Donations

Student Life Office

Bring any new and unwrapped toy for a child from 0-12 years old to benefit local children in need through the Wilson County Christmas for All Program. We have angel tree names on the trees

BLW Bible Study- LH 207

LH 207

Benjamin Nyakudya bnyakudya44@students.cumberland.eduBelievers, Love, Word or Grace City Cumberland

Athletes for Christ- free dinner- veranda

cafe veranda

Hunter Christian- young adults with the Journey Church will serve free dinner and a devotional for student athletes once a month on the first Sunday.

Wesley Small Group

First United Methodist Church 415 W Main St, Lebanon, TN, United States

Meets once a month on the First Sunday of the month except for September (8th). Whitney R. SimpsonCumberland Wesley Fellowship Campus MinisterVoice/Text: 615.200.7255

Mental Health Resource Table-SGA

Memorial Hall Lebanon, TN, United States

SGA will be handing out resource cards for mental health issues and awareness about Cumberland University resources as well as local and national ones also.

Forest Therapy w TAL

Cedars of Lebanon State Park 326 Cedar Forest Rd, Lebanon, TN, United States

Join TAL in renewing your connection with yourself and the Earth as we tap into nature's rhythms. We will be taking a guided walk at Cedars of Lebanon on Monday, December 2nd from 12-3 p.m.