Table Top Gaming Club

LH 210

Luke Rounsaville Evan Gordon

Free Dinner w The Journey Church

LCC Lobby

Open to all students, co-sponsored by the International Student OrganizationAlexandra Leisibach

BCM Spring Camping Trip

Details will be posted in the Phoenix News on how to sign up. Email Nathan at with any questions.

Wildflower Camping Trip

Frozen Head State Park, 964 Flat Fork Rd, Wartburg, TN 37887, USA

will be leaving campus at 8am, contact the art of life for more information

MATH Lab- LH 117

LH 117

Cindy ConleyOfficeofStudentSuccess@cumberland.eduMath Lab happens from 3:30-9:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12-3 on Fridays

Table Top Gaming Club- LH 210

LH 210

Evan Gordon   egordon42@students.cumberland.eduLuke Rounsaville