RAIN DATE ONLY- BCM Beach Bash Event

Cafeteria Patio & Quad

This date will only take place if the original Spring Fling Cookout has to be postponed due to weather on April 24th. Nathan Clarkcumberland.bcm01@gmail.com

Free Pizza Night


Come buy for free pizza during finals week in the LCC. First come, first served until we run out.

MATH Lab- LH 117

Labry Hall 117

Cindy ConleyOfficeofStudentSuccess@cumberland.eduMath Lab happens from 3:30-9:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12-3 on Fridays

Table Top Gaming Club

LH 210

Luke Rounsaville lrounsaville35@students.cumberland.edu Evan Gordon         egordon42@students.cumberland.edu

Free Dinner w The Journey Church

LCC Lobby

Open to all students, co-sponsored by the International Student OrganizationAlexandra Leisibach   aleisibach12@students.cumberland.edu

MATH Lab- LH 117

LH 117

Cindy ConleyOfficeofStudentSuccess@cumberland.eduMath Lab happens from 3:30-9:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12-3 on Fridays