Finishing Strong : The Final Stretch Campaign’s Success

By Jessica Fain, Trustee & Advancement Chair & Alumna, Class of ‘13, Cumberland University

Our Cumberland Family truly rises to every occasion, and “The Final Stretch” campaign was no exception. I am incredibly excited to share that together, we raised over $30,000 in the weeks leading up to commencement. Your generosity sets graduates like Savanna Stubbs, Sydney Griffin, Walter Tanui and many others up for post-graduation success, and I could not be more grateful that so many of you were willing to invest in our students. 

To everyone who participated, thank you. At Cumberland University, we remain committed to securing critical resources and financial assistance for our dedicated students, and we could not do it without you. Every gift to “The Final Stretch” campaign made a positive impact on the Class of 2024, and we look forward to continuing this tradition–not only of giving our students a strong finish, but also of sharing with you the accomplishments of students in each of our schools, Labry, Oakley and Rudy. 

Exciting things are on the horizon at CU, and we can’t wait to welcome our next incoming class in August. Enjoy your summer! 

P.S.  Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the Phoenix Ball on Saturday, June 1st here

News / Advancement, Alumni, Blog, Scholarships / Finishing Strong : The Final Stretch Campaign’s Success