Knowledge that goes beyond textbooks
Gain hands-on experience both inside and outside of the classroom while becoming part of a tight-knit community. Whether you choose to study Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Biomedical Sciences our science faculty will challenge and encourage you as you prepare for a future in science.

CU’s biology program provides excellence through its curriculum so you will have scientifically-sound knowledge that prepares you for a career or graduate studies.

In this program you’ll learn to perform experiments, analyze data, and report scientific information to the community. You will have the opportunity to perform undergraduate research with a faculty member and present your research at local conferences.

Develop critical thinking skills as you conduct independent research projects while preparing for graduate school, for jobs in the biotechnology industry, or for professional schools such as pharmacy, medical, dental, veterinary, physicians assistant, or physical therapy.

Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
This program is tailored for students who are interested in entering professional schools such as medical, dental, physical therapy, or pharmacy. Students may also choose to go to graduate school or work in industry.
What Our Students Are Saying
“The faculty are incredibly helpful. I feel like it’s a family atmosphere and they want me to succeed in all areas of my life.”
-Cody Woodham, Biomedical Sciences and Chemistry, Class of 2025
At a Glance
- 100% acceptance rate into pharmacy school
- Small class sizes with access to caring faculty
- Multiple opportunities to meet like-minded students
- Independent research opportunities throughout your college experience

Build Community
Students can find community through various annual events sponsored by the Science Department including
Cookies and Cocoa
Ice Cream Social
Souper Sophomores

What Our Graduates Say
“Graduating with a biochemistry degree has paved the way for me to have a successful postgraduate career. As I transitioned from basic concepts of chemistry and into a more dynamic understanding of how chemical reactions shape biology, I relied heavily on my biochemistry background. Specifically, biochemistry allowed me the opportunity to master concepts pertaining to the Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle), enzymatic activity, mitochondrial electron transport chain, proteins and their primary, secondary and tertiary structures. This knowledge went beyond what the textbooks were able to distill with the laboratory hours teaching me skilled techniques such as gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and isolations of proteins with various assays. Lastly, biochemistry taught me how to critique relevant literature and how to assess whether a published study was well done.”
-Matthew Green, Pharmacy Resident at Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) Memorial Hospital, Class of 2015, Biochemistry and Biology Major

Partner with us
Cumberland’s Science Department is proud to be a community partner with local schools. To request a school visit from one of our science faculty, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Sarah Pierce at spierce@cumberland.edu.
Meet the Faculty