Pancakes & Singo Night by BCM


Sponsored by BCM and Student Life. Come to the cafeteria to get some free pancakes and toppings and play SINGO. Bingo but with songs!

Pride Alliance- Weekly Meeting

Library- Clement Room

email president Rachel Krogman at

Criminal Justice- Weekly Meeting

Memorial Hall 205

Criminal Justice club will meet weekly on Thursdays at 1pm to 2:30 in Memorial Hall 205 Advisor Suzann Lafferty at

Criminal Justice- Interest Meeting

Memorial Hall 205

Criminal Justice club will meet weekly on Thursdays at 1pm to 2:30 in Memorial Hall 205 Advisor Suzann Lafferty at

ASL Weekly Meeting

Lawlor Room in Vise Library

James Nichols

Pagan Meet Up

Black Box Theatre

Dr. Michael Rex

Campfire & Smores- Sigma Chi

Sigma Chi House on McClain Street

Sigma Chi- Shah Goshtasbi

Basketball – University of Pikeville

Dallas Floyd Phoenix Arena, Dallas Floyd Gymnasium, Lebanon, TN 37087, USA

Women's Game at 5:30pm and Men's game at 7:30pm