SGA Applications Available


Applications Available for all SGA cabinet and senate positions. Links will be available for each position. Check the Phoenix News for more information closer to application dates.

Criminal Justice- Weekly Meeting

Memorial Hall 205

Criminal Justice club will meet weekly on Thursdays at 1pm to 2:30 in Memorial Hall 205 Advisor Suzann Lafferty at

ASL Weekly Meeting

Lawlor Room in Vise Library

James Nichols

Math Tutoring

Labry Hall 209 James Nichols

Table Top Gaming Club

LH 209 & 210

this group meets every Monday (4-11Pm), Wednesday, and Friday nights from 5-11pm in Labry Hall rooms 209 & 210. And Tuesday nights for D&D in 211 from 4-11pm. Any students are welcome to come play games with

SGA Campaign Days


All students may campaign for SGA positions before voting begins on April 12-21.

BLW- Believers Love Word

Labry Hall 209

Benjamin Nyakudya