SGA Applications Available


Applications Available for all SGA cabinet and senate positions. Links will be available for each position. Check the Phoenix News for more information closer to application dates.

BLW- Believers Love Word

Labry Hall 209

Benjamin Nyakudya

Easter Egg Fest Community Event

On the Quad and cafe patio

Partner Community Event with Immanuel Baptist Church and Student Life for children ages birth through 5th grade. Inflatables, egg hunts by age (birth to 2), (3-5 yrs.), and (6 and up), Pictures with Easter Bunny

Women’s Volleyball Study Hall

Labry Hall room 118

Women's volleyball Study Hall each Monday and Wednesday from 2-4 in LH 118Alexa Roberts

Table Top Gaming Club

LH 209 & 210

this group meets every Monday (4-11Pm), Wednesday, and Friday nights from 5-11pm in Labry Hall rooms 209 & 210. And Tuesday nights for D&D in 211 from 4-11pm. Any students are welcome to come play games with