All Day

Remembrance Tree- Suicide Awareness

in the quad

Put a ribbon on our remembrance tree in honor of someone loved who has been lost. Supplies can be found in Student Life LH 126.

Homecoming Court Voting

online are only able to vote once and must use your university email to access the voting.

Intramural Sand Volleyball Tournament

Sand Court

Sign Up for the Sand Volleyball Intramural Tournament in September by the 15th.Details and sign up link:

Table Top Gaming Club

LH 209 & 210

this group meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights from 5-11pm in Labry Hall rooms 209 & 210. Any students are welcome to come play games with the group. Email Emma Wright with any questions at

Girl Talk- Stress & Time Management

online group session

Free Virtual Biweekly sessions with licensed counselor Sandra Fields. Covering Stress and time management. Email for an invite to the session

Pancakes & Singo by BCM


Sponsored by BCM and Student Life. Come to the cafeteria to get some free pancakes and toppings while playing SINGO, Bingo with songs!